Telehealth now available at Back To Health Clinic North Ryde

With the current uncertainties surrounding our everyday lives, our daily activities have been temporarily disrupted with mandatory self-isolation and social distancing being enforced across the state and the whole country. The hope is that we can minimise the impact of the current COV-ID 19 pandemic and ‘flatten the curve’. It seems that the recent social strategies are working and we are now seeing a significant drop in new cases everyday. This is thanks to the greater Australian public following the new rules and the tireless work of our front line health care professionals, to whom we warmly thank for putting themselves potentially in harms way in order to keep us all safe.

Given the new social distancing measures and self-isolation, many of us have decided to stay at home to ride out this pandemic. The unwanted result of these changes is that those with chronic health conditions, such as Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease, have been made more vulnerable to contracting the virus as well as having a higher chance of developing complications. This is why the Australian Government announced that Telehealth services will now extend to include all allied health professions, including Exercise Physiology and Chiropractic.

In addition, the Telehealth services offered at Back To Health Clinic will be bulk billed under an Enhanced Primary Care plan from your GP. This will offer those who can’t afford the risk of the leaving their homes access to both our Chiropractic and Exercise Physiology service. Private health insurers are also beginning to recognise Telehealth services with a number of health funds already giving approval for Exercise Physiology consultations.

If you would like to know more about our Telehealth services, please contact us via our email or call us on 8328 0633.

Wishing everybody good health and enjoy spending time with your families.

Stay active,

Back To Health Clinic

Our new North Ryde Clinic offering Chiropractic and Exercise Physiology

At Back To Health Clinic, we are pleased to announce the opening of our new North Ryde Clinic. Our new address is 140a Coxs Road, North Ryde. The new facilities offer our clientele great access to exercise and rehabilitation equipment, as well as a comfortable environment for our Chiropractic services.

Our services include;

Chiropractic consultations

Exercise Physiology consultations

Group exercise classes supervised by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Exercise Reviews and Management

So come check out our new North Ryde clinic for any of your Chiropractic and Exercise Physiology needs. You can call us on 8328 0633 or visit our website at

Keep active and stay healthy,

Back To Health Clinic


Exercise Physiology

Active Release Therapy